When’s the last time you read a case study that really grabbed your attention. That after you read it you were like, wow, that was super interesting and insightful?
Maybe … never?
Because most case studies … how to put this nicely? They don’t necessarily suck. They’re just … OK. Kinda boring. All the same. Nothing special.
Which is kind of a problem, since you definitely want prospects to be blown away by your case studies, right?
In a really remarkable episode The B2B Content Show, Julian Lumpkin, founder and CEO of SuccessKit, a firm that helps you produce amazing case studies.
We dive deep into what makes most case studies kinda dull and what it takes to create case studies that cut through the noise and really deliver the goods, such as:
–Why focusing too little on the problem you solve and too much on your solution is NOT a good approach
–Why focusing mostly on the problem you solve, in detail, IS the way to go
–Why it’s a good idea to have a neutral third party interview your clients and write case studies
How to craft awesome case studies podcast episode
If you use case studies to help educate and persuade prospects, this episode is really worth a listen:
How to craft awesome case studies video summary
How to craft awesome case studies transcript summary
Jeremy Shere: Welcome to the show, Julian Lumpkin, founder and CEO at Success Kit. We’re discussing case studies today. They can be powerful, but also formulaic and predictable. Can we make them more interesting?
Julian Lumpkin: Absolutely, Jeremy. Companies often come to us because their case studies are boring, too long, and not engaging. They’re overengineered, losing the authentic customer voice.
Jeremy: So, common mistakes include making case studies too long and boring. Can you elaborate?
Julian: The big problem is companies trying too hard to make their case study like the rest of their marketing material. They use their own language, their own messaging, and lose what makes a case study interesting – the real customer talking about your product or service.
Jeremy: How does the authentic customer voice get lost?
Julian: Companies often decide beforehand exactly what they want the customer to say, instead of letting the customer describe how they solved their problem. We want to document the way that your clients talk about you when you’re not in the room.
Jeremy: So, the overall effect is that it reads more like marketing?
Julian: Exactly. Case studies are unique. You don’t want them to sound like you wrote them. People want to hear what other people are saying, people like them.
Jeremy: So, it’s about maintaining an authentic sense of a real customer having a real experience?
Julian: Yes, it’s about balance. Guide the types of things that the customer talks about, but don’t tell them the specific things that matter most and how to talk about those things.
Jeremy: So, it’s like having a real conversation that can go different ways?
Julian: Exactly. It’s like a good sales process. You want to structure the conversation but not dictate it. And you want to go deep on what problems were solved, not just gloss over them.
Jeremy: Why does that make it more interesting and authentic?
Julian: It’s more interesting because the world is oversaturated with generic problems and results. What connects is when you hear someone say something specific that resonates with you.
Jeremy: So, it’s about the details and the real story?
Julian: Exactly. It could be details, emotion, anything that the client really says when you just ask them how they think about things.
Jeremy: Your company, Success Kit, does the case study. You talk to their customers for them. Why is that valuable?
Julian: Many of the problems we spoke about are easily solved by a neutral third party. If you’re doing the interview yourself, you’re naturally going to have a strong agenda. A third party can let the authentic client story come out.
Jeremy: So, what’s your advice for marketing teams that want to level up their case studies?
Julian: The key to case studies is not creating the perfect case study, but getting them done. Have at least 3, 6, 10, or 12, depending on the size of the company. And involve a neutral third party in the process.
Jeremy: How can people connect with you?
Julian: You can find me on LinkedIn, Julian Lumpkin. And if you’d like to talk to us about your case studies, you can find us at success kit dot IO. We offer a free consultation.