Maximize Your Trade Show ROI: 7 Types of Video Content to Create from Events

Trade shows and industry events are bustling with energy, innovation, and valuable networking opportunities. But once the event is over, how can you extend the value of the time, effort, and money you’ve invested? The answer lies in video content. Video not only amplifies your brand presence but allows you to leverage the insights, testimonials, and interactions captured at the event long after it ends.

Here are seven types of video content you can create from your trade show experience to maximize your investment:

1. Collaborative Customer Testimonials

At trade shows, you’re often face-to-face with satisfied customers—making it the perfect time to capture their success stories. But rather than simply filming traditional testimonials, consider a collaborative approach where you and the customer together tell the story of how you helped solve their problem. By engaging in a conversation, the testimonial feels more authentic and less scripted, giving future prospects a clearer view of the value you provide.

How to use it: These testimonials are perfect for embedding on your website, sharing across social media channels, and even using in sales presentations. Since they feature real-time interactions, they resonate more deeply with potential customers.

2. An Industry Expert Interview Series

Trade shows bring together industry leaders and subject matter experts, giving you the opportunity to capture a wealth of knowledge on camera. Organize an interview series on a hot topic relevant to your industry, interviewing several experts to get their unique perspectives. This content can be packed into a video series, providing value to your audience long after the event ends.

How to use it: Use this series as a lead magnet, offering exclusive access to the interviews in exchange for contact details. Additionally, break it up into smaller clips to share on social media and spark conversations around the topic.

3. A Video Recap of the Event

Creating a video recap is an excellent way to capture the essence of the trade show. This type of video can include footage from your booth, interviews with subject matter experts, snippets from featured speakers, and attendee interactions. Not only does it highlight your participation, but it also positions your brand as a key player in the industry.

How to use it: Share the recap on your website, YouTube, and social media to give those who couldn’t attend a chance to experience the event. This content also works well in email campaigns, inviting your audience to check out the highlights.

4. In-Depth Customer Success Stories: Case Studies

Take customer interviews one step further by turning them into in-depth case studies. Instead of a quick testimonial, capture a longer, more detailed conversation where the customer explains the challenges they faced, how your solution helped them, and the impact it had on their business. This type of content is perfect for nurturing leads and showing the tangible value your company provides.

How to use it: Case study videos are highly effective in the middle or bottom of the sales funnel. Use them in email campaigns, on landing pages, or during sales presentations to showcase your success and provide social proof.

5. Roundtable Discussions with Industry Experts

One of the most insightful ways to leverage your event participation is by organizing and recording roundtable discussions. Gather a few key industry leaders to discuss trends, challenges, and innovations. This format creates thought-provoking, engaging content that provides immense value to your audience.

How to use it: Package the full discussion as a webinar or a gated download on your website. Alternatively, break the discussion into bite-sized video clips and share them across your social media channels to drive engagement.

6. A “Thank You” Video for Attendees and Partners

Building relationships is a key aspect of trade shows, and one way to nurture those relationships post-event is through a personalized thank-you video. Include clips from the event, interactions with customers, and messages from your team. This type of content makes your brand more personable and shows appreciation to those who took the time to engage with you.

How to use it: Send this video to attendees and partners via email or post it on your social media channels as a public acknowledgment of the event’s success. It’s a great way to keep the conversation going and build goodwill for future collaborations.

7. Event Recap in a “Trends & Takeaways” Format

At many trade shows, industry experts and thought leaders share insights on where the industry is heading. Capture footage from these presentations and combine it with your own observations to create a trends and takeaways video. Highlight the key points and takeaways from the event, providing your audience with valuable information and positioning your brand as a thought leader.

How to use it: Share this video with your audience as a blog post, social media content, or even in a newsletter. It’s a great way to demonstrate that you’re ahead of the curve when it comes to industry trends and thought leadership.


By thoughtfully planning the types of video content you want to capture during a trade show or industry event, you can maximize your return on investment. From engaging testimonials and expert interviews to event recaps and thank-you videos, each piece of content adds value, strengthens your brand’s presence, and nurtures relationships with prospects and customers alike.

Don’t let the opportunity to extend the life of your trade show experience slip by—get creative with video content and watch your engagement soar long after the event is over.

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